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Re: From c to c++

On Wed, 6 Dec 1995, W.E.B wrote:

> 	I'm working with a group of students here at the University of 
> Nevada Reno who'd like to port crossfire to c++. I realize it's under the 
> GNU license but would like to hear from some of the people working on it. 
> If this becomes a reality it would be an upper divisional class in 
> porting using crossfire as an example. With any luck, the class would 
> first abstract the code into some general classes and then address the 
> issues of static versus dynamic code. There are plenty of topics which 
> crossfire implements and is an excellent model to be divided up. Hopefully 
> the system would be easier to expand and maintain if we were to do a job 
> well done.
> If you have some ideas/suggestions we'd be very pleased to hear them.
> (Btw, I understand the game is in a state of flux and really would like 
> to let you know if we decide to do a rewrite/port anytime soon. I'd 
> prefer to work with the others already familiar with the system rather 
> than against.)
> -web
>  ----------------
>    William Bull
>  ----------------
>  Campus Computing
>     Services
>  ----------------

	Please, if you are doing a major port of CrossFire, Separate the
"Game" Code from the "Display" (X) Code.  This will make Client/Server
much easier to create.  I am working on a game myself that is a roguelike
graphical game, and I would be interested in seeing a generic front end
that would work with several different servers (I am trying to write mine
in tcl/tk).  If the Front End/Cient is generic enough, we may be
completely able to separate the game mechanics from the display mechanics
(a big plus, IMHO).
	By the way, sounds like a really fun class!

						-Kris Bosland