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Re: (ASCEND) COMPLETE BULLSHIT (how about a new title for thisthread?)

>From: Joe  Shaw <>
>On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, matt sommer wrote:
> > i also asked if boxes running 7.x are compatible with ones on 6.x (like
> > for stacking) but the guy implied he is only allowed to answer one
> > question per call--lucent cracking the whip.  emailed the question but
> > never got an answer.  grrrr...
>So support has actually gotten worse?  It used to be hard enough to get to
>talk to someone to ask a serious question, but now they only let you ask
>one question per call?  It's not like any decent call tracking software
>won't let you make tickets on the fly, or at least add comments to
>existing ones.

IME, the quality and responsiveness of support increases greatly as 
you go up the food chain. Pipeline support is unbelievably slow and 
less well informed, while TNT support is responsive and very 
knowledgeable. As I rely rather more on the TNT than the Pipes ;-), 
this is okay with me if I must accept a tradeoff.

>I'm at a new company now (I've been on this list for years now), and as
>yet we don't have any new Ascend/Lucent equipment, though we were looking
>at maybe purchasing a 6000.  Now I don't think that will be the case.

Occasionally, I for some reason feel that I should make a positive 
comment about Ascend. IMO, the quality of Ascend's software has 
improved by orders of magnitude over the years. It used to be that 
something was guaranteed to be broken in each new release, but I find 
that recently more things get fixed than broken and I can install a 
new release with no regrets (7.2.3 for the TNT was a notable recent 
exception and I posted that here).

Ascend equipment here that works day in and day out with few or no 
serious flaws: Max 4004 (7.0.22), DSL Max 20 (7.10.3), DSL Terminator 
(7.10.1), Max TNT (7.2.0) and sundry Pipelines.

Sure, we've been badly screwed by Ascend over the years. On balance, 
things are improving and we will continue to look to their gear first.


Peter Lalor           Infoasis
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