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RE: (ASCEND) Quiescenting PRIs

Well, let me spell it out for you, as told to me by
our engineer, confirmed by Level 3 TAC within Ascend.

I didnt want to bury you this deep, but now your asking.

OK- Since day one with the TNT's installed at XCOM, we have
been looking for this solution.  As the SHIVA boxes worked well
with quiescing, the TNT's did not.

Points of Ascend reference:

Paul Bernier	OnSite Ascend Engineer
Eric Presworksy	Sr. Ascend Engineer
John Giarolo	Ascend Account Manager
Stuart Monks	Your boss

I can go on further if you would like.

All within Ascend agree this feature does not
work with DMS 100.  As a 500 is the same box
as a 100 with 2 loads of code on it. DMS 100 code,
and DMS 250 code.

When analyzing the D channel signalling, the Ascend
TNT does not conform 100% to NI-2.  As if you want
ask Paul Bernier to trap it for you.. You will see
TONS of errors where the TNT does not understand certain

Now - my history with Ascend goes back about a year and
half.  And you definitely do not want me to air dirty
laundry on this list.  I am not here bashing Ascend,
but bashing you.

You see, Ascend has done right by XCOM in fixing problems
to date.  What I can't say about you is that if you truly
represent Ascend when you post to this list, I would be a
little more knowledgable and courteous to customers paying
your salary.

You see Mr. Holdredge, you are not god, you are not all knowing.
Ascend has the money and the resources to do the research
to the problem posted here.  Your quick actions to fire off
an email to express your "god like" knowledge has not only
made me believe you to be a fool, but also believe Ascend
has individuals making representations innacurately to
prospective customers. ie: myself included.  If you are so
sure, then you should be the one to show up at your switch
location and debug this problem yourself.

I for one do not think I am god, but take a lesson here,
be sure when you want to post "facts", you have the facts
straight.  My business and repuation rely upon facts.
And, when I deal with vendors, I rely upon them for
CORRECT information.  I would suggest you look a little
more closely before you decide to answer this time.

> Sorry my questions bugged you. I was probably too short in my email. My
> point is this. I nor anyone else in Ascend can change the behavior of code
> based on word of mouth. I was hoping for some citation that I could
> research to make sure we do the feature correctly. 

Never has made a request to Ascend unless it has been proven
OVER and OVER and OVER again, as well as reproduced in your

> We did research this quite a bit last year. We worked with Lucent to make
> sure we implemented it correctly for the 5ESS. It has worked very well. I
> then worked personally with the DMS PRI Product Manager to make sure we had
> the correct DMS 100 specs. I also worked within the NIUF and Bellcore to
> push for a standard specification.

Well the "ragu sauce" releases of your code break 15 things in
every release, while adding 12 new features that halfway
work, every time.  That is why we exist on e releases from you
guys 99% of the time.  It's much like "sauce of the day" at
XCOM with your code.  So if your telling me, the last you
looked at this feature was a year ago, then your worse off than I

> Now if you are telling us something new about the DMS 500, we have to make
> absolutely sure it is correct. We don't want to make a change for you that
> screws up other customers.

I beleive I have stated over and over, the 500 is nothing more than
a 100 in sheeps clothing.

> That's why I'm asking for more info. Traces would be nice if you aren't
> sure of any actual standards references, or DMS references. If you have an
> Ascend engineer you are working with, you should push your change through
> them.

Ask your engineer, unless of course your going to pay
me to do it.  And I believe as one of the vendors to
XCOM, it is your responsibility to do the "grunt" work,
not mine.

And if your now trying to leave this issue, by placing it on
the shoulders of Paul Bernier, the poor guys has enough on
his plate.  

SO - when should I expect you at XCOM?

BTW - what is your title and role within Ascend?

Shawn Lewis
XCOM Technologies, Inc

> Matt Holdrege

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