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Re: (ASCEND) Quiescenting PRIs

> Sorry my questions bugged you. I was probably too short in my email. My
> point is this. I nor anyone else in Ascend can change the behavior of code
> based on word of mouth. I was hoping for some citation that I could
> research to make sure we do the feature correctly. 
> We did research this quite a bit last year. We worked with Lucent to make
> sure we implemented it correctly for the 5ESS. It has worked very well. I
> then worked personally with the DMS PRI Product Manager to make sure we had
> the correct DMS 100 specs. I also worked within the NIUF and Bellcore to
> push for a standard specification.

Here's one specific thing we have found:

We use sizes on our directory numbers to limit the number of calls that a
phone number will receive. For example, on a 4004 with 94 channels: (this
is not our actual setup but simplified; it works the same though)

123-4367, size=70, 123-4568, size=24          (2 phone numbers on the 4004)
123-4369, size=47                             (1 phone number for a 4048)
123-4570, size=47                             (1 phone number for a 2-PRI
						ISDN only box)

123-4567 hunts to 123-4569. In this way, the first Max will receive
70 calls, almost filling its 72 modems (leaving 2 spares in case there are
busted modems), then overflow to a 4048 reserved for modem use.

123-4568 is for our ISDN customers and will fill all the remaining
channels on the 4004 (but will not exceed 24 so that the modems remain
available), and overflows to an ISDN box containing a further 2 PRIs
to receive ISDN calls.

It seems that once the telco has decided that a call is going to go onto
the 4004 (in other words current_number_of_calls < size), it will stick
to that decision even if the Max then returns a busy for whatever reason,
for example when attempting to quiescend a line, or if there are
accidentally no more modems available and it is a modem call.

I don't know of the DMS-100 could have been set up so as not to have this

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