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Re: (ASCEND) 4048 And ISDN Calls

Dave Fisher wrote:
]I have just installed 2 4048's and analog dial-in's up to 56K work well.
]The problem is that ISDN (digital) calls don't. I get a message that the 
]host is not responding.
]My question is, does the 4048 come standard with the hybrid software to 
]allow both analog and digital users, or did Bell-Atantlic forgit an option
]when it installed the T1/PRI's?

I would suspect that the PRI's (or some path to the PRI's) is not
configured for data calls (ISDN).  I went throught this *exact*
same thing with a 4048, a PRI, and BA.  :)  The sure way to tell is
to watch the ISDN cause code being handed back to your ISDN
TA.  With the 3com Impact this is very easy.  Just use the software
that comes with the Impact, and use the diagnostic (test) feature to
watch the traffic on the D channel.  My guess is that you'll get
back one of the following cause codes, or a similar one.
  65 - Bearer service not implemented
  88 - Incompatible destination

Joe Pautler, E.I.T.                             University at Buffalo
CIT/OSS Network Engineering                     224 Computing Center             (716) 645-3536

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