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(ASCEND) Max4048 and PPTP

Hi John,

May be it is NT SP3's problem !
You can try to use SP1  !!


Hello all,

We just got a Max4048 to handle our incoming T1 lines,
and for various reasons we opted to not use AAC and
instead are routing through PPTP to our NT4 system (we
rely on NT authenication and RAS logs). This works..
but the dialin users are overwhelmed with CRC errors,
resulting in problems connecting, poor throughput, and
getting disconnected. However, if we set the Max to
not use PPTP and not require any authentication the
CRC's go away.

Has anyone sucessfully gotten this type of setup to
work, or have any ideas why this might be happening?
Ascend has been of no help and are stumped. Currently
I have had to set it to no authentication to keep the
complaints down to a dull roar, but this leaves my
system wide open to entire world. As you can guess,
I'm quite anxious to find a resolution, and would
greatly appreciate any advice.

Relevent info..
NT 4.0 SP3
Max4048 5.0Ap38 (but have tried older versions)
3 16x56K modem cards Revision F
LQM turned off
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