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Re: (ASCEND) Establishing P75 connection to ISP takes long time

First of all, *No* it should not take 5 or 6 seconds to establish a
connection. I would guess that this hold up, is caused by the RADIUS
authentication process. I assume they are using RADIUS. They either have
their RADIUS server setup incorrectly, or they have a *very* large list of
users in their users file. And the MAX is having to search through every
single one of them to log you in... We had this problem earlier in the
year, this was fixed by taking all hostnames out of our clients file, and
putting only ip address's. 

When you do talk to your ISP about this, ask them if they are using local
authentication or RADIUS, and if RADIUS, ask them if that could maybe be
the problem...

Then again that could have nothing at all to do with it... But thats my guess.

At 08:28 AM 1/14/98 -0000, you wrote:
>Im using a Pipeline 75 for internet access with static IP adressing. 
>It is working fine with one exception - it takes 5 to 6 seconds to connect
to the ISP.
>The ISP is using Ascend equipment at their end (MAX. I do not know the
exact model and software release yet - hoping that the big ISP company will
provide me with that info SOON!!!)
>I have tried many, many different configurations (turned on and off most
features that can be configured in the P75 including different compression
schemes, PPP-MPP, etc.), but none
>of this made no difference.
>I have noticed that the CRC: field in the 20-300 'WAN Stat' box increments
by 1 or 2 each time the P75 connects to the ISP. This happens between the
Call Connected message and the LAN Session Up message. It seems that there
is a problem during that stage in the connection. I believed that it might
be a bit-failure in the ISDN connection and therefore had the Telco check
it out. Their testing equipment states that there is not a single bit
failure on the ISDN line!
>Im sick and tired of this and have started to dream at night of other
router brands (last time was a ACC Congo Voice
>Is this behavior of the P75 connection acceptable or normal? Ive seen
other people having a connection time near 1 second using other routers.
>Does anyone have a clue?
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