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Re: (ASCEND) Makefile for AIX

At 07:31 PM 1/6/98 +0100, Alex wrote:
>I need a Makefile for a RADIUS for the AIX.

This information was provided by Ascend's TAC:

>In the Makefile :
>CC = cc
>        $(AUTH_SERVERS)
>DBMLIBS = -ldbm
>In the file radisud.c
>Also, I discovered a bug in the Radius code in the file radiusd.c
>There is a missing # sign around line 93 in that file
># if defined(solaris)
>typedef unsigned long ulong
>There should be a # sign before typedef unsigned long ulong, otherwise the
>unsigned long will always be defined as ulong even when not using the sys5
>compilation flag.
>Put in comments this block : struct rlimit rl;
>                         if ( getrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) < 0 )
>                              return 256;
>                         else
>                              return rl.rlimit.max;
>In the file radipad.c,  comment out the lines with the keyword "vsyslog".


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