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Re: (ASCEND) Clients DNS

The option is already there.  All you need to do is when setting up the
icon you will use for dialing in, under the properties of the connection,
set the TCP/IP setting to use "server assigned DNS".  When the dial up
connection is made, and network traffic is directed to the com port, the
values assigned by the NAS will take precidence.  Kill the modem
connection, and the TCP/IP properties of the NIC will take over.

Alex P

On Mon, 12 Jan 1998, Kevin A. Smith wrote:

> At 11:57 AM 12/24/97 -0500, Bosco Tsang wrote:
> >In Max 4048, is there a function/feature that it can
> >assigned the DNS address to the clients? Or when the client connects
> >to the unit, they will be forced to use the DNS that max is using?
> >
> >The ideal case is that, user configures Windows95 DNS / Win 3.1 Trumpet DNS;
> >user connects to max, it will force the user to ignore the DNS in Windows95
> >or Trumpet, instead the user will use whatever DNS that max has set.
> >
> >We have tried the Clients DNS, but it seems not working.
> >From one of our field warriors:
> >Kevin, I saw the other replies in this thread, but you might also mention
> >that if a DNS entry is hard coded under: 
> >
> >Network Control Panel
> >  TCP/IP
> >    DNS Configuration
> >      DNS Server Search Order
> >
> >then a DNS entry learned during PPP will not be used.  I have this problem 
> >all the time when dialing into  I have a LAN card that normally 
> >attaches to the Ascend corporate LAN with the Ascend DNS server hard coded 
> >as it must be for local LAN connections.  I have to remove the DNS entry 
> >before dialing with Dialup Networking or Windows will not use the 
> >GTE's DNS servers.  The DNS server being used can be verified by running 
> >winipcfg and clicking on the "More Info" button.
> >
> >The reason I bring it up is that Bosco Tsang asked, "... user connects to 
> >max, it will force the user to ignore the DNS in Windows95 ..."  I don't 
> >think there is a way to force Windows 95 to ignore the configured DNS it 
> >must be removed.  Hopefully Microsoft will give us this option in some 
> >future version of Dialup Networking.
> Kevin
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