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RE: (ASCEND) a free 95/NT (SNMP) .exe?

in the WinNT 4.0 resource kit there is a program
called "snmputil" that lets you look at SNMP info,
you can "walk" a tree to find what you're looking for,
then "get" just the ones you need:

usage:  snmputil [get|getnext|walk] agent community oid [oid ...]
        snmputil trap

c:\>snmputil walk myroutername public 1 

Variable = system.sysDescr.0
Value    = OCTET STRING - Ascend Max-1800 BRI S/N: 607xxxx Software +6.0b1+

Variable = system.sysObjectID.0

Variable = system.sysUpTime.0
Value    = TimeTicks - 174413900


-Jim H

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Nolan W. Bailey, Jr. []
>Sent:	Wednesday, December 31, 1997 10:12 AM
>Subject:	(ASCEND) a free 95/NT (SNMP) .exe?

>Does anyone have a free....  small...  executable...
>that could be run from a 95 or NT workstation.... 
>that will show who is logged into your Ascend MAX... 
>their connect speed... and connect (session) time?
Jim Howard             Sr Network Engineer        Lyceum Internet     404.248.1733     

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