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RE: (ASCEND) Ascend-Third-Prompt

On Tue, 24 Feb 1998, "Peter Galbavy" murmured something resembling:
>	login: username
>	Password:
>	Protocol: ppp,idle=600
>The third prompt is passed (this is from memory sadly) to the RADIUS server
>in the first request, along with the login name and password - I suspect you
>will have to add code that checks and responds to this in the Merit server.

Peter, do you have any examples in the radius setup as to setting this up with
ascend's radiusd ?  This would be useful for us as we are transitioning over to
max 4030's from an analog hunt group that followed exactly that login

Any advice on this would be appreciated..


             Leland E. Vandervort /
               Network Engineer

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