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Re: (ASCEND) Restricting login speed

Joe Pautler wrote:

>very bad customer service to dump people off without warning
>after they have already obtained a connection.  which is why

Looks like no possible way here.. :-(

You can't tell for sure if it's "56K" or V34 until the modems
has connected.  (Which takes 10-20 seconds.)

V8' may give a chance to drop just after the "burps", but it's
not supported by many V34 modems.  Means the ones most likely
to be dropped, *has* to connect. 

>my hunch is that the K56 code (flex, v.90, whatever) inherently provides
>for fallback to v.34, and therefore the above feature might be impossible
>to implement without straying from the "standard"....or maybe not.

At initial negotiation, K56 will fallback to V34 if the line can't support
K56 (not digital all way, too bad quality, changed bit format etc).

But once connected as K56 though, it's no way back to V34.

Morten Norman                            
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