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Re: (ASCEND) status of v.90

Tester agrees to hold the Products in strict confidence and, unless
authorized in advance and in writing by Ascend, not to disclose them or
any features of them or any other information relating to them (including
Tester's evaluation or conclusions concerning the Products), 

The legal Mumbo-Jumbo above is what we all agreed to when we decided to
participate in the V.90 trial, So pretty much we can't say jack, But what I
will say in having this Open Beta Ascend has taken a step forward in
relation to the Ascend of the past, hell, I remember prior to K56 
there was pracitally NO BETA, there was just a release, and remember the
pain we all went through. IMHO, this open beta is a direct reflection of
Ascend burning themselves by releasing that crappy initial K56 code. 

Hopefully they will not do the same with V.90, Cause IT COSTS ISP'S money
to answer those tech support calls about (MY MODEM WON"T CONNECT Blah blah
blah ). 

Hold the code, Test the code! 

Jason Nealis
Director Internet Operations / Network Access
Erols Internet

On Fri, 24 Apr 1998 wrote:

> On Fri, 24 Apr 1998, Jim Howard wrote:
> > >What kind of luck has anyone had who has tried the v.90 code available for
> > >the Max 4000?  Based upon 6.0.2 i'm concerned about its reliability.
> > 
> > unfortunately we technically can't tell you.
> I don't want to know the subtle nuances of the release, I just want to
> know whether the people who have put it on their machines still have it
> running, or have gone back to a previous release.
> Surely we can discuss this amongst ourselves off the public ascend list?
> later...
> jsb
> --
>       /
>   /  o     Jason Buchanan
>  o         Digistar Microsystems
>        /
>       o
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