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(ASCEND) Bought 4048 got Max 4002 w/o ISDN SIG

On Fri, 10 Apr 1998 wrote:

> From: Jim Freeman <>
> Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 12:12:14 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: (ASCEND) Bought 4048 got Max 4002 w/o ISDN SIG
> Ascend-users:
> Last year we purchased a 4048 from Solunet and received a free 4002 from
> Ascend as part of the buy one get a 4002, buy two get a 4048, buy three
> get a TNT program. 
> We only recently plugged the unit in as I planned on putting some ISDN
> accounts on it (it has the old V.34 modem cards) only to find out that it
> didn't come with the hash codes necessary to use ISDN.
> Our contact at Solunet informed us that the hash code would be $1,050.00
> for ISDN signalling, Data call, Frame-Relay.  I can live without the
> Frame-Relay but this unit is basically useless to me without ISDN
> signalling since we have only PRI. 

> I am _not_ buying these hash codes - period.  I will be selling it if
> turns out I participated in the buy one get 0.5 Max free deal.

> Did everyone else have the same experience or were we just lucky?

I had the same unhappy discovery yesterday.  I don't have a VAR contact
(the guys at Ascend put me in touch with Gateway to do the deed -- and
when I mentioned calling them, the Ascend guy indicated they were no
longer operational -- funny, but they still suck their lease payment out
of the checking account every month) so I talked to Al[l](a/e)n Lopez and
Sam Welsh and was told $3k.  Just for ISDN.  I might have to buy the hash
codes as they're cheaper than buying equipment and we're just a small Mom
& Pop internet service.  

> ------------------------------
> From: Jim Freeman <>
> Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 20:13:50 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: (ASCEND) Bought 4048 got Max 4002 w/o ISDN SIG


> Perhaps Ascend didn't have a good way to address this point technically
> with the hash codes; perhaps that issue wasn't anticipated; or perhaps it
> didn't seem top priority since it was free anyways.
> On the other side of the coin, I don't think very many people enjoy
> receiving 'free' equipment that requires an immediate investment to make
> it function.  That kind of situation just feels wrong not matter how close
> to the top the glass is arguably filled.

I'm happy that we don't have to buy new equipment, but we may choose to do
so anyway -- we may need to stick a third PRI in there and that's another
$7k.  But, it's still cheaper than upgrading the modems (which I'd need to
do if I were adding it to the dial-up pool).

My perspective, as a programmer, is that it's "just" software and it
wouldn't cost Ascend anything but time to give us all the hash codes so we
can upgrade our "free" doorstops (and I wouldn't mind paying a reasonable
price for the time it would take them to provide me with a hash code,
either).  I know they've already recouped their development costs, so
whatever they get for the hash codes is pure profit.  *That* is what
bothers me.  

- J-Mag Guthrie

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