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Re: (ASCEND) Arp routing


Have you done an "sh ip ro" on the CISCO to see what the ospf routes show ?

Also note that the MAX40xxx's OSPF WILL NOT activate unless you reboot the

IOW - your max is not configured for OSPF - you turn on OSPF and expect all
to be well, well it will not until a reboot.

Have you:
1. On the MAX - "show ospf general" to see if it thinks it is running OSPF
2. On the MAX - "show ospf nbrs" to see what it thinks it neighbors are ?
3. On the CISCO have you done an "sh ip os ne" to see if it indeed sees the
MAX as a neighbor?


At 07:34 AM 4/7/98 +0200, Gerard Cany wrote:
>"Arp" routing with 2 Max 40xx
>Our configuration includes 2 Max 40xx, 1 Cisco 25xx
>The 2 Maxen receive connections from external users
>    - some users receive ip address from a pool (each max has its own pool)
>      no probleme in his case
>    - some users has a fixed subnet ip adress (defined in radius)
>Calls may arrive indifferently on Max 1 ou Max 2 (unique call number for
>the all PRIs)
>The Cisco is the Internet gateway
>Max 1 :
>        - ip :
>  - default route to cisco (
>  - Rip and Ospf not enabled
>  - Proxy mode active
>Max 2 :
>        - ip :
>  - default route to cisco (
>  - Rip and Ospf  not enabled
>  - proxy mode active
>Cisco (Internet gateway)
>  - primary ip :
>  - secondary ip :
>  - Rip not enabled (for administrative reasons)
>Radius profile for user net1 :
>  - framed ip-adress :
>  - framed subnet-mask :
>The problem is the following :
>  - user net1 connects via Max 1
>  - everyhing is OK
>   - user net1 disconnects from Max 1 and reconnects via Max 2
>  - traceroute on cisco show cisco still trying to send to Max 1
>It seems that cisco has still an arp entry for net1 pointing to Max 1
>Doest anybody has an idea for either :
>    - clearing arp table in cisco
>    - routing from Max 1 to Max 2
>Any help welcome
>Gérard Cany Symphonie-MNet
>Parc Technologique de la Pompignanne
>34055 Montpellier Cedex 1
>tel : 67 34 65 76
>Fax : 67 34 65 71
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