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(ASCEND) Re: =?big5?B?UmU6IChBU0NFTkQpIEFzY2VuZCBEYWlsLW91dCBkb260dCB3b3Jr?=

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Code Chang wrote:

>>If i use test <phonenummber> everything works fine. 
>>But if i configure a user profile in my radius like this :
>>USER Password = "password"
>>           User-Service = Dialout-Framed-User,
>>           Framed-Protocol = PPP,
>>           Framed-Address = an_ip_address,
>>           Framed-Netmask =,
>>           Ascend-Dial-Number = "a phone nummber",
>>           Ascend-Data-Svc = Switched-64k,
>>           Ascend-Send-Secret = "a secret",
>>           Ascend-Idle-Limit = 300
>>and later :
>>route-1    Password = "password", User-Service = Dialout-Framed-User
>>       Framed-Route = "an_ip_address/32 an_ip_address 7 n USER"
>>a ping on an_ip_address does nothing. 
>>The ip-addresses are corectly routet to the ascend.
>>Can anybody tell me what i have to turn on ?
>hi, Daniel.
>    Did you use refresh command in TNT after created the profile in radius ? (Max has the same menu command)
>    If yes, you can use netstat -rn  to make sure the dial-out routing did learned from radius.
>    wanabe      SG     120   7      24     391232
>  wanabe      SG     120   7     506     391232
>    If you can't see any thing,  maybe you should make sure your radius program did support Ascend Dial-out 
>    attributes.

Routes on the max look right. My radius is the same radius that i use with
the already working max.

>    hope helps !

No, but thanks,

>Code Chang // Chang Hsiao-Chuan
>Reach and Range Inc. Http://
>Mailto:  ICQ:8013223
>Office: +886-2-2549-6877#228   Fax: +886-2-2549-6999

cu, Daniel Marquez-Klaka

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