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Re: (ASCEND) Am I the only one ??

At 12:06 1998/09/28 -0400, Phillip Vandry wrote:
>The loop is part analog, and the conversion cannot be perfect, so of
>course your're going to lose some in the conversion. As far as I know,
>no one's about to connect 56K (or 53K or 54K or whatever the top
>speed is) if they're connecting to an ISP with CT1's which have only
>56K channels. Only if the ISP has 64K lines (ISDN) can you expect to
>reach such speeds.

I'll grant you that I don't know all the intimate details of
how the line cards in any particular switch work, but I don't 
think that you can drive the transmitters higher than 
the raw 56k provided over a CSV channel (Circuit-Switched-Voice),
so it shouldn't matter whether the line is ISDN or CT1,
a CSV is a CSV is a CSV...
(note: the 53k=56k US Robotics problem was not with the raw bitrate,
but rather the modulation that they were using 

Now as to problems with hardware or telco configuration,
it is probably more difficult to screw-up an ISDN PRI,
so the net effect may be that 56k modems over some CT1s
are more likely to have problems, but I really don't think
it is because of the 56k channel.

-Jim H
Jim Howard             Sr Network Engineer        Lyceum Internet     404.248.1733     

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