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Re: (ASCEND) 16 Modem Card pricing?

At 13:28 1998/09/24 -0700, Erich A. Stick wrote:
>Because of the bundle pricing I have found that it is cheaper to buy a
>4048, 4060, 6048, 6060 ... take the modems outs and sell off or discard
>the chasiss.  I had to do this myself to populate some max 1600 slots. I 
>bought a 4048 for under $9400, so the cards cost me about $3200 each.

You can likely turn around and sell that 4048 chassis (minus modems)
for $3000 or so, making the net cost for each 16-modem card about $2000

... and if anyone has an empty 4048 like that, I'll give you $3000 for it.

-Jim H
Jim Howard             Sr Network Engineer        Lyceum Internet     404.248.1733     

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