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(ASCEND) Re: The perfect ISDN Solution??

At 03:53 PM 3/26/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Once upon a time Matt Patterson shaped the electrons to say...
>>I am kinda in a slight delima here.  I am looking for the perfect ISDN
>>solution.    We are currently looking at either Ascend or a PM3.  Basically
>So modems aren't an issue at all, correct?
>The Ascend 4000s choke under load, the PM-3 sustains better.  Since
>you really can't effectively use the 4th port on an Ascend, and the 3rd 
>can be questiobnable, you end up paying for ports you can't effectively
>The Pm-3 has better routing support, and they just released the open beta
>of the new Java based config utility - that, unlike Ascend's attempts,
>actually runs across platforms and not just on Windows.  If you want 
>solid OSPF Lucent is better, and if you have any use for BGP the Max just
>doesn't have it.
>Now, the new MAX 6000 looks like it will push 4 ports and work.  But
>the software is still the same issue it is on the 4000.
>If you explain more about what you are planning to do it would be easier
>to address your issues instead of just talking generically.

Yeah...but God forbid you need to call tech support. Sucks like a vacuum.
I currently have a PM3 on Eval, and am instead going to get a TNT. Ascend,
in the past week, has given me support like I have *NEVER* seen. I posted a
question on the Ascend users group mailing list (Which I
CC;'d, btw), and Ivan, one of their engineers, opened a ticket for me, and
sent me an email saying, hey, call this #, here's your open incident
number. Another TechSupp engineer, Way, just up and calls me, says he "heard"
I was having trouble. Can you believe it? They've spent alot of time with
me sorting out some problems with cards. They Priority FedEx'ed me 3 cards
so far.

Livingston? Hell, all i get is headaches from the salesman, telling me to
pay for a box they don't even have working 100% yet! took them about a
month to
get Stac compression working with a P75, still have routing problems,
mega-call-dropping, support not returning calls, etc...

Want my advice? Call SoluNet (, get Ziad's (I hope I
spelled his name right) number (in Miami, FL), get an Ascend eval, try it,
like it, and lease it. you'll have few problems, and when you do have them,
you know Ascend will stand by you.

Ascend, if your listening, as long as I'm in business, you have my business.

|  Tony Mori - Systems Administrator  |
|  CompuSOURCE Communications          Voice: (305)234-5555   |
|  8727 SW 129th St. Miami, FL 33176     Fax: (305)234-5556   |
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|  Email to Pager. With CompuSOURCE, you're always connected  |
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