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Re: (ASCEND) Address Translation

At 02:26 AM 3/26/98 -0500, Robert Drangel wrote:
>I am using NAT on a P75 with a dial up connection to an ISP. When I try to
>send mail via my ISP it takes over a minute to attach to the mail server
>and send the mail. This behavior goes away if I switch to an ISDN modem
>connection with a Motorola Bit Surfer Pro. In addition it only happens when
>sending mail not when receiving it. I even tried replacing the name of the
>SMTP server with its' IP address and still the same delay. Any ideas? I
>seem to think it's related to NAT since it goes away with the modem
>connection. Thanks in advance.

Ahh, finally i can post something i've had direct experience with.. <g>

We had a user a few months back with this very same problem.  It wasn't as
severe, the delay was only 20sec.  After doing some testing with one of our
own pipelines.  Here's what would happen.  You telnet to port 25 on the
server and it takes 20secs, in your case a minute, for the sendmail banner
to appear.

I only found the delay when i was trying to send mail through a server
running Sendmail v8.8.??.  Other SMTP servers from other platforms would
not have problems ( under NT,etc.)

Only thing i can think of is Sendmail v8.8.8 is doing a reverse DNS lookup
on your private IP's and it is taking that long to time out..


ISDN Support Staff               
Flashnet Communications                     [Quake is law]

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