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Re: (ASCEND) Address Translation

this is what was on the list at the first of the month.  I hope it 
Dave McFerren
System Administrator
Net Solutions, Inc.
816-220-0303 fax 816-220-0333
"It never hurts to help!" 

> Recent sendmail versions make a connection back to an incoming host's
> address on the auth port - 113. This is an old UNIX-based service - "is a
> user on your system trying to connect me to my port 25?"
> It's of not much use nowadays - large ISPs have ident turned off, because
> of the extra delay it causes - if the incoming host isn't running an auth.
> service on port 113, sendmail will try uselessly to connect for a little
> while before giving up.
> Firewalls have this problem, too - it's not specific to NAT.

Ahhhh... bloody identd... Never thought about the ramifications of 'no
answer' rather than a 'connection refused'.  

The solution I just implemented was to map port 113 to an unused port on
the ethernet address of the PL130 -- this worked perfectly.  The
connection is refused right away and sendmail gets on with it's life... 

> From Thu Mar 26 02:29:48 1998
> X-Authentication-Warning: majordom set sender to 
owner-ascend-users using -f
> X-Sender:
> Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 02:26:49 -0500
> To:
> From: Robert Drangel <>
> Subject: (ASCEND) Address Translation
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> I am using NAT on a P75 with a dial up connection to an ISP. When I try to
> send mail via my ISP it takes over a minute to attach to the mail server
> and send the mail. This behavior goes away if I switch to an ISDN modem
> connection with a Motorola Bit Surfer Pro. In addition it only happens when
> sending mail not when receiving it. I even tried replacing the name of the
> SMTP server with its' IP address and still the same delay. Any ideas? I
> seem to think it's related to NAT since it goes away with the modem
> connection. Thanks in advance.
> Robert Drangel
> Senior Network Engineer
> CPT of South Florida
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