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RE: (ASCEND) Rudeness, and Staying on Subject

And on that same note, if we do stray from the subject of an original thread, can someone change the subject line to reflect the new topic.  Many of us try to follow threads based on the subject line but often that subject will become associated multiple topics/threads.  

I really enjoy this list because there appears to be a lot of professionals with various levels of expertise providing insight and support in many different ways.  It is also comforting to know that Ascend monitors this list.  We need to be firm with Ascend to make sure our voices are heard but we also must realize that, like ourselves, they never set out to make mistakes.  But there is a bright side... mistakes do cause problems but it is those problems that keeps us employed and those big (!!) paychecks coming in.  Just imagine that every software application and every firmware release and every piece if hardware worked perfectly without any problems (ever!)... many of us would be out of a job!!!

Semper Fi


-----Original Message-----
From:	Rylan Luke <> [SMTP:Rylan Luke <>]
Sent:	Tuesday, March 24, 1998 9:54 PM
To:	<>
Subject:	(ASCEND) Rudeness, and Staying on Subject

I am once again amazed by how rude people can be when posting to a 
list. I'm sure everyone posting to this list was brought up to be 
polite and courteous to other human beings...

I'm also sure the programmers at Ascend are REAL PEOPLE, just like
all of us. They have varying skill levels, experience, and levels of
commitment to their jobs, just like all of us. Simply calling all 
of them incompetent doesn't accomplish anything.

So, can we avoid the name calling? And the religious issue of the OS 
wars doesn't seem to have much to do with the purpose of this list: 
technical information about Ascend products.

Enough said...
  Rylan Luke (
  Rymar Engineering
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