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(ASCEND) Another Test: MAX6000

Bay's Versalar 5399 tops remote-access field, says Network World
An article in the 3/23/98 issue of Network World, has shown that the
Versalar 5399 RAC has topped the field of five in its testing of Remote
Access products.  The Versalar 5000, outfitted with the Versalar 5399
Remote Access Concentrator (RAC) Module aced the performance tests, turning
in the best throughput numbers.
Tests were conducted using 60 Windows 95-based PCs, each of which tapped
its own 33.6 Kbit/sec modem to transfer files to and from a Windows NT
4.0-based server via the RAS unit being tested.  After all 60 clients
dialed-in and connected, the test started with a single node transferring
files, increasing to two nodes transferring files at once and so on.  If no
calls were dropped, then the test was repeated three times and an average
throughput figure was calculated for uploads and downloads as measured at
each client.  If calls were dropped, each vendor had a chance to diagnose
the problem and apply fixes.  If the fixes didn't work, then the average of
the three best test runs were calculated, as was the case for Ascend and
Upload rates were higher than download rates, which is a common phenonmenon
in this type of test.
Bay finished first-
Number 1: Bay Networks Versalar 5399 RAC
average upload throughput- 99.1 Kbit/sec
average download throughput- 67.8 Kbit/sec
Others participating in the test and the order in which they finished, were:
  2: Compaq's Microcom 6200 Remote Access Concentrator
average upload throughput- 73.2 Kbit/sec
average download throughput- 51.3 Kbit/sec
  3: 3Com's Total Control HiPer Access System/EdgeServer Pro Module
average upload throughput- 73.3 Kbit/sec
average download throughput- 34.2 Kbit/sec
  4: Ascend's MAX 6000
average upload throughput- 73.4 Kbit/sec*
average download throughput- 35.1 Kbit/sec*
*note- Ascend placed fourth because its box was experiencing problems and
could not complete the test.  The throughput stats for Ascend are based on
59 simultaneous clients.
  5: Shiva's LanRover Access Switch
average upload throughput- 74.2 Kbit/sec**
average download throughput- 52.5 Kbit/sec**
**note- Shiva placed last because it was dropping calls once it hit 22
simultaneous clients.  The throughput stats for Shiva are based on 22
simultaneous clients.
Cisco, a key player in this market, was also invited.  But Cisco said they
couldn't free up a technician during the timespan that the tests were given
and consequently declined to participate.
If you want to see the original article, you have to access Network World's
website , as a registered user.  You can register
with them online (its free).
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original article, then click on the URL below:

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