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Re: (ASCEND) More Fatal Errors!

> So what does this mean?

After talking to some of the service representatives, here is what it means
in general terms.
The "Index:" is the general problem category.  Some of these are fairly
well known - "Index: 2" is typically an memory usage problem, "Index: 99"
is a system reset by operator.
The "Location:" is the system stack at the time of the fatal error.
The "Load:" and "Revision:" are necessary to allow an engineer to decipher
the stack trace.
The "Date:" and "Time:" allow you to match the log entry up with external
events you may be aware of.  For example, perhaps 10:00 is when a "Simpsons"
episode ends and you see a huge increase in the number of conection attempts.

Only Ascend engineering will be able to fully decode the information.
The stack information is not much help to anyone else.

You need to send this information to Ascend customer service.

> FATAL ERROR:  Index: 8  Load: ftbak.m40 Revision: 6.0b2
>         Date: 03/20/1998.       Time: 21:49:15
>         Location: b0067024 00000000 b000919c b010dcdc b011fd28 b011e118

I notice that this is from the 6.0b2 (beta 2) release.  I would recommend
you upgrade to the current 6.0.X release on your systems.

This is for two reasons - one is that you get the fix to the discard service
bug - the second is that the problem you are seeing may already be fixed.

The release notes for 6.0.0 include a note about a fatal error 8 bug that
was fixed:

  TR 2931    In 5.0Ap36 MAX 1800 reset with fatal error 8
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