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Re: (ASCEND) In Defense Of Ascend...

Matt Holdrege wrote:
> Folks really need to read things that are posted here completely before
> responding. I think most readers have the picture now, but some are still
> not clear on the concept.

> I'd like to try a survey here. How many of you who have posted in favor of
> Linux are also in favor of purchasing Ascend's Radius server (Access
> Control) or Ascend's access Network Management System (Navis Access)? If
> you are planning to purchase these products and would prefer they run on
> Red Hat or whatever then please let us know. We simply haven't heard from you.

We purchased Access Control and tried it on Solaris 2.5.1 for the Sparc,
and went through hours on the phone with tech support (Ascend and
Intersolv), then gave up after we could never get the ODBC functionality
or other features to work.  We made a few simple changes to the free
Ascend radius source code, and compilied it on our Linux machines and
wound up with a faster, functional daemon.

We also tried Navis Access on the same Solaris platform with the minimum
hardware requirements and, after thorough being thoroughly disgusted,
went with Tkined/Scotty and MRTG on the Linux platform.  Those two
programs did had much more functionality at far less expense than Navis
Access would have had.

> Also note that Ascend doesn't sit up on an ivory tower and conduct market
> survey's. We speak directly to our customers and they (believe me!) speak
> directly to us. This is how we chose to support the various unix systems
> that the above products run on today.
> Matt Holdrege 
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Ben Hoyt
Matnet, Inc.   907.373.3580
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