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Re: (ASCEND) 64k ISDN via T3?

In a multi-shelf system (2 TNT's) I terminate 624 modem calls a night, 
in a single TNT I have 288 modems and 2 PRI's for ISDN.

I currently have 25 PRI's on the T3 and the rest on T1's.

If you plan on using ISDN in the TNT I'd ask alot of questions on the HDLC
card and its ability to handle large call volumes.


> In addition to the below is anyone using the TNT for anywhere near the 
> 672 simultaneous session limits? If yes are you seeing any problems with 
> it, like traffic slow down? I may be preparing to change to a TNT for all 
> services here. I currently use 5 4XXX'x for ISDN and modem calls. Is the 
> TNT really up to the job, in anyone using it's opinion yet? This is a big 
> leap for us and I need as much feedback as possible good and bad.
> Thanks
> Bennie
> >
> >1) Is anyone out there using the TNT channelized T3 card?  I just want
> >   to confirm that it does indeed "exist"....unlike the FDDI cards that
> >   are listed in all of the brochures and such.
> >
> >2) Is 64k ISDN available via a T3?  In other words, are there any
> >   functional differences between using multiple PRI's and a T3?
> >   Can the T3 act just like 28 PRI's bundled together?  I have never
> >   seen a T3 referred to as T3/PRI.
> >
> >Thanks in advance for any insight.
> >
> >___________________________________________________________________________
> >Joe Pautler, E.I.T.                             University at Buffalo
> >CIT/OSS Network Engineering                     224 Computing Center
> >             (716) 645-3536
> **************************************
> Bennie Warren             /\
> LemooreNet               / /
> 320 West D Street       / /
> Lemoore, CA  93245     / /    /\    /\ 
> Phone:  209.924.5909  / /_ _ /  \  / /
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