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Re: (ASCEND) In Defense Of Ascend...

On Sat, Mar 21, 1998 at 03:28:25PM +1100, Damien Miller wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Mar 1998, Matt Holdrege wrote:
> > Not to mention Linux! There are too many Unix's for most commercial vendors
> > to support. Especially those vendors who don't focus on server software. If
> > we were giving away source code it would be no problem. But we spent a lot
> > of valuable engineering time developing this code and we aren't going to
> > give it away. And since engineering time is so valuable, we simply can't
> > support every unix out there.
> Rubbish, supporting the different flavours of BSD would probably take
> little more than a recompile. Ditto Linux (which is especially easy to
> port to/from).

Hmm, it's not _that_ easy. You need the platform. You need to integrate
it into your devel system. You need to port (that might be the easiest
part). You need to regression test 1) every new platform and 2) every
changes you made for the new platform (64bit awareness can break old things
that worked before) to still work on the old platforms. Short spoken, you
get much more to do then just compile the source on another platform.

That said, I would strongly recommend Ascend to rethink which platforms
are worth a port and which are not. Linux and FreeBSD IMHO are definately
worth one. Before you start supporting DomainOS, Eunice or such ;->

> If the code was written to be portable (which isn't _that_ hard under
> Unix), then this wouldn't be an issue. But then again this is the same
> company which brought us the Java configurator which only runs on Windows.

Probably good this way 'coz nobody else but Windows guys care to run
this thingy ? Well, we all remember the old discussion why not do it
directly HTTP and then heard from Ascend it will be Java and finally it
became a LoseDOS App. I don't care much... others might do.



| o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
| o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
| o | Andre' Beck (ABPSoft) XLink PoP Dresden | o |
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