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(ASCEND) MAX log parsing

This might help you.
Claudio Stifel

# $Id: radacct,v 1.20 1996/12/06 20:12:00 cshenton Exp $
# Compile usage statistics from RADIUS detail files
# and produce three different reports. See usage/help section.
# 1996.10.07    Chris Shenton <>
#               Wrote radreduce, to do initial data reduction for each event.
# 1996.10.21    Chris Shenton <>
#               Wrote session collation and grand total reports.
# 1996.11.15    Chris Shenton <>
#               Added Ascend Max parsing, HQ X.500 lookups and Code reports.
# TO DO:
# - Show CLID, Session type.
# - Show usage by day-of-week, possibly by hour within day of week.
# - Genericize my stored attributes to make them Max/PortMaster-neutral.
# - Parameter-ize operation to make it more robust
# - Add hooks to handle Ascend detail files; that's why we need parametrics!
# Here's what I want to capture:
# 1.  Username
# 2.  Date-start
# 3.  Time-start
# 4.  Date-stop
# 5.  Time-stop
# 6.  Time-used
# 7.  Bytes-in    (KB)                          Ascend
# 8.  Bytes-out   (KB)                          Ascend
# 9.  Packets-in  (K?)                          Ascend
# 10. Packets-out (K?)                          Ascend
# 11. CLID                                      Ascend
# 12. IPaddress (for security)
# 13. Session type (telnet, PPP, etc)
# 14. Code (for Code Report)                    HQ-only

require "";

$Detail         = "detail";     # Should get this from command line too??
$ATTR_SEP       = "\n";         # Delimit each attr/value pair
$KB             = 1024;         # Bytes/KByte;
$US_SEP         = "\f";         # Formfeed between each user's sessions
$DelimRec       = "\0";         # Delimit each users' events
$/              = '';           # Read paragraph-at-a-time

%MonthNum       = (
                   'Jan',  1, 'Feb',  2, 'Mar',  3, 'Apr',  4, 'May',  5, 'Jun',  6,
                   'Jul',  7, 'Aug',  8, 'Sep',  9, 'Oct', 10, 'Nov', 11, 'Dec', 12 );

if ($opt_h) {              
    die "
        Compile usage statistics from RADIUS detail file(s) and generate reports.

            Parse the detail file's multi-line data per start/stop event.
Combine related start-stop data into one record, then aggregate
and collate events into sessions, cluster sessions by users, 
calculating running totals, and finally grand totals.

Usage: radacct [-e|-Eefile] [-d|Ddfile] [-p|Ppfile] [-s|-Ssfile] [-t|-Ttfile] detailfile ...

You can have multiple reports generated simultaneously.
Capitalized options take filename arguments for their output data.

-e|-E:  events (starts and stops) sorted as the log file is.
        This is the simplest data-reduction,
          suitable for further postprocessing, eg: for port-utilization.

-s|-S:  sessions (start to stop) sorted by user (separated by form-feed).
        Each user cluster is a log of usage, like on a phone bill;
          and total times are cumulative leading to a total on the last.

-t|-T:  total time per user (minutes) with number of sessions and average time.
        Most concise report, suitable for import into billing software.

-d|-D:  daily usage by hour.
-p|-P:  port usage over all ports.
-c|-C:  HQ Code usage; can take a while for X.500 lookups.

unless ($opt_c || $opt_C ||
        $opt_d || $opt_D ||
        $opt_e || $opt_E ||
        $opt_p || $opt_P ||
        $opt_s || $opt_S ||
        $opt_t || $opt_T) {
    die "
Usage: radacct [-e|-Eefile] [-h|-Hhfile] [-p|-Ppfile] [-s|-Ssfile] [-t|-Ttfile] detailfile ...
       radacct -h (for detailed help)

# Open any output files to make sure we can write.

if ($opt_C) {
    $opt_c = 1;
else {
    $opt_C = "&STDOUT";
open(CFILE, ">$opt_C")
    || die "ERROR: could not open cfile \"$opt_C\"";

if ($opt_D) {
    $opt_d = 1;
else {
    $opt_D = "&STDOUT";
open(DFILE, ">$opt_D")
    || die "ERROR: could not open dfile \"$opt_D\"";

if ($opt_E) {
    $opt_e = 1;
else {
    $opt_E = "&STDOUT";
open(EFILE, ">$opt_E")
    || die "ERROR: could not open efile \"$opt_E\"";

if ($opt_P) {
    $opt_p = 1;
else {
    $opt_P = "&STDOUT";
open(PFILE, ">$opt_P")
    || die "ERROR: could not open pfile \"$opt_P\"";

if ($opt_S) {
    $opt_s = 1;
else {
    $opt_S = "&STDOUT";
open(SFILE, ">$opt_S")
    || die "ERROR: could not open sfile \"$opt_S\"";

if ($opt_T) {
    $opt_t = 1;
else {
    $opt_T = "&STDOUT";
open(TFILE, ">$opt_T")
    || die "ERROR: could not open efile \"$opt_T\"";

while ($ARGV[0]) {
    $Detail = shift;
    open(DETAIL, $Detail)
        || die "Could not open detail file \"$Detail\"\n";
    printf STDERR "INFO: working on detail file \"$Detail\"...\n";

    # From each record, gather attributes and associate with the user-session.
    # The accumulated data is stored in an Assoc indexed by user-session;
    # the data itself is a string-representation of the attribute/value
    # pair assoc. Sheesh.

    while (<DETAIL>) {
        # Place fields into handy generic variables.
        ($Ddd, $Mmm, $Dd, $Time, $Yyyy) =
        $Date                   = sprintf("%4d/%2.2d/%2.2d",
                                          $Yyyy, $MonthNum{$Mmm}, $Dd);
        ($Acct_Session_Id)      = /Acct-Session-Id = \"([0-9A-F]+)\"/;
        ($Acct_Session_Time)    = /Acct-Session-Time = (\d+)/;     # Stop only
        ($Acct_Status_Type)     = /Acct-Status-Type = (\w+)/;      # Start/Stop
        ($Client_Port_Id)       = /Client-Port-Id = (\d+)/;
        ($Framed_Address)       = /Framed-Address = ([\d.]+)/;
        ($User_Name)            = /User-Name = \"([^"]+)\"/;       # should be better??
        # Ascend only.

        ($Client_Port_Id)       = /NAS-Port = (\d+)/; # ??different attr name than Livingston :-(
        ($InOctets)             = /Acct-Input-Octets = (\d+)/;
        ($OutOctets)            = /Acct-Output-Octets = (\d+)/;
        ($InPackets)            = /Acct-Input-Packets = (\d+)/;
        ($OutPackets)           = /Acct-Output-Packets = (\d+)/;
        ($Caller_Id)            = /Caller-Id = "([^"]*)"/;
        if ($opt_e) {
            write EFILE;
        # Make a user-session key from the username and session id.
        $USkey = "$User_Name:$Acct_Session_Id";
        # Find any attributes we may already have and make into an assoc.
        $Attrs  = $USattr{$USkey}; # Probably empty if this is the START record
        %Attr   = &radacct_attr_make_assoc($Attrs);
        # Add attributes found in this record.
        if ($Acct_Status_Type eq 'Start') {
            if ($Attrs) {
                printf STDERR "WARN: Start record found but attrs already instantiated\n$_\n";
            $Attr{'start-date'}         = $Date;
            $Attr{'start-time'}         = $Time;
            $Attr{'Acct-Session-Id'}    = $Acct_Session_Id;
            $Attr{'Client-Port-Id'}     = $Client_Port_Id;
            $Attr{'Framed-Address'}     = $Framed_Address;
            $Attr{'User-Name'}          = $User_Name;
            $Attr{'Caller-Id'}          = $Caller_Id;
        elsif ($Acct_Status_Type eq 'Stop') {
            if (! $Attrs) {
                #??printf STDERR "WARN: Stop record found but attrs not instantiated\n$_\n";
                $Attr{'Acct-Session-Id'}        = $Acct_Session_Id;
                $Attr{'Client-Port-Id'}         = $Client_Port_Id;
                $Attr{'Framed-Address'}         = $Framed_Address;
                $Attr{'User-Name'}              = $User_Name;
            $Attr{'stop-date'}          = $Date;
            $Attr{'stop-time'}          = $Time;
            $Attr{'Acct-Session-Time'}  = $Acct_Session_Time;

            # Ascend only.

            $Attr{'Acct-Input-Octets'}  = $InOctets;
            $Attr{'Acct-Output-Octets'} = $OutOctets;
            $Attr{'Acct-Input-Packets'} = $InPackets;
            $Attr{'Acct-Output-Packets'}        = $OutPackets;
        else {
            printf STDERR "Bogus start/stop: $_\n";
        # Convert the %Attr to string so we can update the user-session assoc.
        $USattr{$USkey}                 = &radacct_attr_make_string(%Attr);

# List each users-session sorted by username
# and caculate running totals for connection time.
foreach $USkey (sort keys %USattr) {
    %Attrs = &radacct_attr_make_assoc($USattr{$USkey});

    # ?? Need to handle session which Start but do not Stop

    # If this session user is different than last, save/print old info.
    $User = $Attrs{'User-Name'};
    if ($User ne $UserLast) {   # First session for this user
        $Sessions{$User}        = 1;
        $TimeTotal{$User}       = $Attrs{'Acct-Session-Time'};
        $InOctetsTotal{$User}   = $Attrs{'Acct-Input-Octets'};   # Ascend
        $OutOctetsTotal{$User}  = $Attrs{'Acct-Output-Octets'};  # Ascend
        $InPacketsTotal{$User}  = $Attrs{'Acct-Input-Packets'};  # Ascend
        $OutPacketsTotal{$User} = $Attrs{'Acct-Output-Packets'}; # Ascend
        $UserLast               = $User;
        if ($opt_s) {
            printf(SFILE "%s\nUserName Start_Date_and_Time Stop_Date_and_Time_ Secnds TotSecnd IP-Address_____ Pt___ Sess-ID__ KB_In_ KB_Out PktIn_ PktOut Cal
lerID__\n", $US_SEP);
    else {                      # Subsequent user session; accumulate
        $TimeTotal{$User}       += $Attrs{'Acct-Session-Time'};
        $InOctetsTotal{$User}   += $Attrs{'Acct-Input-Octets'};   # Ascend
        $OutOctetsTotal{$User}  += $Attrs{'Acct-Output-Octets'};  # Ascend
        $InPacketsTotal{$User}  += $Attrs{'Acct-Input-Packets'};  # Ascend
        $OutPacketsTotal{$User} += $Attrs{'Acct-Output-Packets'}; # Ascend

    if ($opt_d) {       # Compile port-usage info
        ($HourStart) =
            ($Attrs{'start-time'} =~ /^(\d+):\d+:\d+/);
        ($HourStop) =
            ($Attrs{'stop-time'} =~ /^(\d+):\d+:\d+/);
        #print "P: START=$HourStart, STOP=$HourStop\n";

        if ($HourStart || $HourStop) { # Cope with missing start or stop
            if (! $HourStop) {
                $HourStop = $HourStart;
            elsif (! $HourStart) {
                $HourStart = $HourStop;
            for ($Hour = $HourStart; $Hour <= $HourStop; $Hour++) {
                $Hourz = sprintf("%02d", $Hour); # Ensure leading zero
                #print "P: Hour=$Hourz, Hours=$Hours{$Hourz}\n";

    if ($opt_p) {               # Ports usage

    if ($opt_s) {
              "%-8s %10s %8s %10s %8s %6d %8d %-15s %5d %9s %6d %6d %6d %6d %s\n",
              $Attrs{'Acct-Session-Time'}, # seconds!
              $Attrs{'Acct-Input-Octets'}/$KB,   # Ascend
              $Attrs{'Acct-Output-Octets'}/$KB,  # Ascend
              $Attrs{'Acct-Input-Packets'},      # Ascend
              $Attrs{'Acct-Output-Packets'},     # Ascend
              $Attrs{'Caller-Id'}                # Ascend

# Display daily usage by hour.

if ($opt_d) {
    # First find maximum/totals to determine scaling
    foreach $Hour (keys %Hours) {
        $HoursTotal += $Hours{$Hour};
        if ($Hours{$Hour} > $HoursMax) {
            $HoursMax = $Hours{$Hour};
    printf(DFILE "Hr Sessions %%Sess %%Graph\n");
    foreach $Hour (sort keys %Hours) {
        $HoursMaxPercent = 100 * $Hours{$Hour} / $HoursMax;
        $HoursTotPercent = 100 * $Hours{$Hour} / $HoursTotal;
        printf(DFILE "%2s %8d %5.1f %-s\n",
                $Hour, $Hours{$Hour},
                $HoursTotPercent, "=" x ($HoursMaxPercent / 5));
    printf(DFILE "Total session hours: $HoursTotal\n");

# Display port usage.

if ($opt_p) {
    $Types{"1"} = "Digital";
    $Types{"2"} = "Analog";
    printf(PFILE "Port_ Type___ Line Channel Number\n");
    foreach $Port (sort keys %Ports) {
        if (($Type, $Line, $Channel) = ($Port =~ /^(\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/)) {
            printf(PFILE "%5s %-7s %4s %7s  %5d\n",
                   $Port, $Types{$Type}, $Line, $Channel, $Ports{$Port});
            $PortsTotal += $Ports{$Port};
    printf(PFILE "Total Port sessions:       %6d\n",    $PortsTotal);

# Display time total (minutes) for each user.

if ($opt_t) {
    printf(TFILE "UserName MinsTotal Sessions MinsAvg __KBin _KBout _PktIn PktOut\n");
    foreach $UserKey (sort keys %TimeTotal) {
        printf(TFILE "%-8s %9.1f %8d %7.1f %6d %6d %6d %6d\n",
# NASA/HQ: Display users by department Code with Code totals.

if ($opt_c) {
    foreach $UserKey (sort keys %TimeTotal) {
        $Username = $UserKey;   # merge this in later.
        $Time = $TimeTotal{$UserKey}/60;
        if ($Username && $Time) {
            $UserTime{$Username} = $Time;
            $Code = &x500_get_code($Username);
            if (! $CodeUsers{$Code}) {
                $CodeUsers{$Code} = $Username;
            else {
                $CodeUsers{$Code} .= " $Username";
            $CodeTime{$Code} += $Time;
        else {
            print STDERR "WARN: No username=\"$Username\" or time=\"$Time\" found; ignored.\n";

    foreach $Code (sort keys %CodeUsers) {
        @Users = split(/\s+/, $CodeUsers{$Code});
        foreach $User (@Users) {
            printf(CFILE "%-24s %-10s %7.1f\n", $Code, $User, $UserTime{$User});
        printf(CFILE "------------------------ ---------- -------\n");
        printf(CFILE  "%-24s %-10s %7.1f\n\n", $Code, "Total", $CodeTime{$Code});

# Make an Assoc into a simple string
# suitable for assigning to an Assoc or DBM value.

sub radacct_attr_make_string {
    local(%Assoc)       = @_;   # Assoc of Attr/Value pairs
    return join($ATTR_SEP, %Assoc);

# Make a string of into assoc.

sub radacct_attr_make_assoc {
    local($Assocs)      = @_;   # Assoc of Attr/Value pairs
    return split($ATTR_SEP, $Assocs);

# Search X.500 by username and return Code.

sub x500_get_code {
    local($Username)    = @_;
    local($X500s, $Entries, @Entries, $Entry, $Org, $Emp);

    $X500s = `finger $Username\`; # Filter this!!??
    $Entries = @Entries = split(/\n\n/, $X500s);

    foreach $Entry (@Entries) {
        if ($Entry =~ /\s$Username\n/) {
            ($Org, $Emp) = ($Entry =~ /Organization: (.+), Employer: (.*)\n/);
            if ($Emp eq "NASA") {
                return "Code $Org";
            else {
                return $Emp;
    return "UNKNOWN";

# Event report.

format EFILE_TOP =
  Date     Time     Sess-Id  User-Name  Stat  Pt IP-Address      TimeOn