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Re: (ASCEND) Pipe 75 analog voice features

I posted a reply to comp.dcom.isdn on this....I didn't realize it was
cross posted here. Anyway:

John Gill <> wrote in article <>...
> Dave, Laurence, others:
> I must really have a mental block here, but I do not understand your
> comment, "The P75 then uses the flash hook to send the switch the
> appropriate feature code."  

This is a little misleading. The P75 interprets the appropriate switch hook
transitions and converts them into ISDN messages for the ISDN switch
to understand.

> Let me back up.  I have Centrex with ACO with Bell Atlantic, and they
> have set their switch protocols to understand P-75 codes.  Furthermore,
> I have two P-75s with 6.0 software installed.  Now, when I wish to
> transfer a call, the normal protocol is to flash-hook, then dial the
> number, announce, and hang up.  This is essentially the same manner in
> which I would perform a transfer on analog Centrex line.

That is the intention. We are trying to make it "transparent" to the POTS port.

> Now, where does the 6, 7 or 8 come in ?  Pipeline 6.0 software is set
> for button 7 for transfer.  But it also has button 6 for conference and
> button 8 for call drop.  How would I use these features, since a flash
> hook is a flash hook, and it does not seem that I am supposed to hit a 6
> or a 7 or an 8 on my phone, or am I?

Button assignments are what the Pipeline uses to communicate with the
ISDN switch when you make the POTS port switch hook transitions. The
switch hook transitions are NOT sent to the switch, as they are analog
signals. The switch receives feature messages that refer to the appropriate
button numbers.....that's where they come into it.

NOTE that I believe this is switch dependent, see:

> When it comes to transfering a call, and attempting to transfer (and,
> say the line is busy, or the party is not in), and then switching back
> to the original caller:  how should this be handled by the operator of
> the analog telephone connected to the pots port of the Pipeline 75?  Can
> you walk me through that ? 
> Along these lines, the configuration software has another parameter for
> "Hook Activator" and "Double Hook Activator"  Can you comment on what
> these are used for ?

They are described completely in the 6.0 release notes. Some of the features
require single switch-hook transitions, others require double switch-hook
transitions. These features can be disabled if desired.

