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(ASCEND) major problems upgrading older p75 with firewall to release 6.00

since no one seems to believe me here are my problems upgrading a p75 older model
with firewall... here is a log of  my problems..

the file p75600.bin is a rename version of the b.p75 file..

E:\NET\p50>checksum p75600.bin
32556   887

03/03/98  12:21a        <DIR>          r60
03/03/98  12:30a               453,717 p75600.bin
03/03/98  12:36a               113,665 p75last.txt
03/03/98  01:30a                39,851 tftpds.log

> tloadcode p75600.bin
saving config to flash
loading code from
file p75600.bin...
thin load:
 > nvram

here is the evidence that is lost part of its config after upgrading.. ie the ip addresses..
I had to connect a serial cable..

 lqqqqqqqqqq LGK EDIT qqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
 xConfigure...                  x x10-100 1            x x00-200 00:00:03     x
 x>Switch Type=NI-1            ^x x Link  D            x x>M31  Line    Ch    x
 x Chan Usage=Switch/Switch     x x B1    -            x x Ethernet Up        x
 x My Num A=6034325017          x x B2    -            xBx                    xB
 x My Num B=6034325048          x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
 x SPID 1=60343250170101        x x20-100 Sessions     x x20-500 DYN Stat     x
 x SPID 2=60343250480101        x x>  0 Active         x x Qual N/A  00:00:00 x
 x Data Usage=A+B               x x                    x x 0K      0 channels x
 x Phone 1 Usage=A              x x                    0Bx CLU   0%  ALU   0% xB
 x Phone 2 Usage=B              x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
 x Phone Num Binding=No         x x20-300 WAN Stat     x x20-400 Ether Stat   x
 x BRI Analog Encode=SwitchType x x>Rx Pkt:          0^x x>Rx Pkt:         26 x
 x Ans Voice Call=Yes           x x Tx Pkt:          0 x x Tx Pkt:          8 x
 x My Name=lgk                  x x    CRC:          0vxBx    Col:          0 0B
 x My Addr=            x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
 x Rem Name=cyberzone           x x00-100 Sys Option   x x00-400 HW Config    x
 x Rem Addr=      x x>Security Prof: 1  ^x x>BRI Interface      x
 x Dial #=5792200               x x Software +6.0.0+   x x Adrs: 00c07b5dfb9f x
 x Route=IP                    v0Bx S/N: 6151263      v0Bx Enet I/F: AUI      xB

and here is the error when I try to put the ip address in and save it after ugrading

lqqqqqqqqqq LGK EDIT qqqqqqqqqqk
xMessage #214                  x
xCannot save profile           x
x No space in NVRAM            x
x                              x

so now I do an fclear and here is the error on trying to restore the old pofile
which is the reason I go back to 5.1ap4 .. since I WILL NOT type in everything over
by hand...

now do you people believe me

 > fclear
 > nvram

lqqqqqqqqqqqq EDIT qqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
xConfigure...                ??x x10-100 1          ??x x00-200 00:00:03   ??x
x>Switch Type=AUTO SPID       ^x x Link  X            x x>M31  Line    Ch    x
x Chan Usage=Switch/Switch     x x B1    .            x x Ethernet Up        x
x My Num A=                    x x B2    .            xBx                    xB
x My Num B=                    x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x SPID 1=N/A                   x x20-100 Sessions   ??x x20-500 DYN Stat   ??x
x SPID 2=N/A                   x x>  0 Active         x x Qual N/A  00:00:00 x
x Data Usage=N/A               x x                    x x 0K      0 channels x
x Phone 1 Usage=N/A            x x                    xBx CLU   0%  ALU   0% xB
x Phone 2 Usage=N/A            x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x Phone Num Binding=N/A        x x20-300 WAN Stat   ??x x20-400 Ether Stat ??x
x BRI Analog Encode=SwitchType x x>Rx Pkt:          0^x x>Rx Pkt:          8 x
x Ans Voice Call=Yes           x x Tx Pkt:          0 x x Tx Pkt:          8 x
x My Name=                     x x    CRC:          0vxBx    Col:          0 xB
x My Addr=            x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk
x Rem Name=                    x x00-100 Sys Option ??x x00-400 HW Config  ??x
x Rem Addr=           x x>Security Prof: 1  ^x x>BRI Interface      x
x Dial #=                      x x Software +6.0.0+   x x Adrs: 00c07b5dfb9f x
x Route=None                  vxBx S/N: 6151263      vxBx Enet I/F: AUI      xB

xMessage #117                ??x
x   Profile stored             x
x                              x

now the tftp restore

> trestore p75last.txt
restoring configuration from
file p75last.txt...
Parameter LinkUp could not be loaded...restore failed
Cause: disk full or allocation exceeded

here is putting back 5.1ap4 and reloading profile with NO problems

> tloadcode p7551ap4.bin
saving config to flash