On Sat, 19 Nov 2011, Yaron wrote:

> The only way I can even begin to describe the perspective I have on this 
> is imagine you used a very uncommon operating system, and everyone else 
> used Windows, and people would all get together and talk about Windows 
> all day and you just couldn't understand why people were even doing that 
> to themselves.

None of us has to imagine the world we already live in.

I'm glad I don't live in a world where people around me are always talking 
about drinking.  One thing we know from research on alcohol consumption is 
that in the USA, people in their early 20s drink a lot more than at other 
times of life.  This is associated with college, but I also think it is 
part of the mating behavior of Americans these days.

But when someone says "have a beer" I don't think they mean we should get 
drunk or necessarily even drink a beer.  It's more about getting together 
and talking.  If you don't want the beer, just say yes to the "have a 
beer" invitation and then order something else.
