Adam Monsen wrote:
> Mail-Followup-To: TCLUG <tclug-list at>
> Great! Please feel free to forward on the invite.

>> On Sat, 17 Jan 2009, Jeremy wrote:
>>> The next TCLUG meeting is Tue Jan 20th!
>>> UofM EE/Csci Building Room #3-125
>>> Adam will be talking about Version Control:

Hi Adam,

A couple of questions:
will you be talking about the difference between SVN and Git/Mercurial?

Subversion in a recent (past year or so) release did something to
make them more Mercurial-like, I think it was to make SVN more
distrubted rather than a central repository. Will you be talking
about this?

How much branching and merging will you talk about?

