2008/1/13 Joey Rockhold <joey.rockhold at gmail.com>:

> I am looking for a laptop that full supports linux, and at the same time I
> am looking for the cheapest deal.  I am curious if anyone has tried a laptop
> from Zonbu ( http://www.zonbu.com/home/ ).

Sounds interesting, perhaps this is testing the waters for a new model (buy
the support, software and laptop are cheap/free).

They promise upgrade protection, but it appears to be limited to software
(already free).  What would be really cool with this type of model would be
to offer upgrade protection on the hardware as well, sort of a lease type
deal.  If they had a deal where you could trade in your laptop at the end of
2 years, say for $100 and another 2 yr contract, this would be a neat way to
get shiny new laptops with adequate specs.  Obviously this deal doesn't
cover that, and it looks like you will get screwed in the long run, paying
for updates (already free) and support (mostly free).

I think if you bought this laptop, both LUGs would be interested in helping
you test their "unlimited support".  If it's live, knowledgeable folks this
would be a neat deal.  My hunch tells me it's someone searching Google and
sending you URLs.  In the case of the latter, not a good deal at all.

I echo Jack's reply, shop around for a good promo/loss leader special on a
laptop.  You'll spend more in the long run on this Zonbu thing.  The only
reason to go with Zonbu is if you're willing to spend money to test a new
business model.  Of course there's always the chance that this venture will
fold, and you get out of your contract with a cheap laptop.  That's a risk
you'll have to decide if you want to take.

You could always look into OLPC as well.

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