I did buy a Zonbu desktop a month or so ago, its small cute and quiet.  But
I can only say that I like the hardware as I wiped the system and am using
it as my Myth Frontend box.  Which it seems to be capable enough of,
although sometimes it takes a few seconds to switch menus.

So because I got the "free version" I have no clue about their software or
support.  Kind of cool hard drive on the Internet idea though utilizing
Amazons storage option.  Neat idea.


On 1/14/08, Brian Wall <kc0iog at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2008/1/13 Joey Rockhold <joey.rockhold at gmail.com>:
> > I am looking for a laptop that full supports linux, and at the same time
> > I am looking for the cheapest deal.  I am curious if anyone has tried a
> > laptop from Zonbu ( http://www.zonbu.com/home/ ).
> >
> Sounds interesting, perhaps this is testing the waters for a new model
> (buy the support, software and laptop are cheap/free).
> They promise upgrade protection, but it appears to be limited to software
> (already free).  What would be really cool with this type of model would be
> to offer upgrade protection on the hardware as well, sort of a lease type
> deal.  If they had a deal where you could trade in your laptop at the end of
> 2 years, say for $100 and another 2 yr contract, this would be a neat way to
> get shiny new laptops with adequate specs.  Obviously this deal doesn't
> cover that, and it looks like you will get screwed in the long run, paying
> for updates (already free) and support (mostly free).
> I think if you bought this laptop, both LUGs would be interested in
> helping you test their "unlimited support".  If it's live, knowledgeable
> folks this would be a neat deal.  My hunch tells me it's someone searching
> Google and sending you URLs.  In the case of the latter, not a good deal at
> all.
> I echo Jack's reply, shop around for a good promo/loss leader special on a
> laptop.  You'll spend more in the long run on this Zonbu thing.  The only
> reason to go with Zonbu is if you're willing to spend money to test a new
> business model.  Of course there's always the chance that this venture will
> fold, and you get out of your contract with a cheap laptop.  That's a risk
> you'll have to decide if you want to take.
> You could always look into OLPC as well.
> -Brian
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