On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 at 04.30.48 -0600, Sean Waite wrote:
> A friend passed along this contract offer, and to say the least I was
> a bit taken back by what was being offered. Below is what was listed
> for the contract proposal. Now here is what is rather amusing, the
> project is budgeted for $500-1000. Is it just me or is this ridiculously
> low? Problem is I am seeing this all over. Has IT work just become so
> meaningless these days or what?

while it's possible some of this functionality could be got from
free software, the e-mail is clearly worded to indicate that the author
expects someone will write all this software from scratch for $500-1000.
that's fucked up, and it can only end as a disaster.

this is just trash, and i would treat it as such.  i don't even respond
to garbage e-mails like this any more.
