Dan Armbrust wrote:
> On a 32 bit system, the cap is somewhere between 1.2 and 2 GB.  It seems 
> to vary a bit from platform to platform, and VM to VM, but its 
> definitely a hard limit.  Sun's documentation on what that hard limit 
> will be per platform is rather sketchy... but the JVM simply won't start 
> with a -Xmx value higher than the magic limit number for your hardware 
> configuration.
As I'm one of the people that maintains that documentation let me
know how we can improve it ;-)

The Sun JVM will run up to -Xmx at 4 GB (well around 3880) on those
operating systems that will support it.

> Gotta go 64 bit if you want to use higher -Xmx numbers.
Higher than 4 GB (less a little bit for native stack space, etc.)

