# dict etcetera
1 definition found

>From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

       n : additional unspecified odds and ends; more of the same; "his
           report was full of etceteras"
       adv : continuing in the same way [syn: {and so forth}, {and so on},

# dict 'et cetera'
1 definition found

>From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) [web1913]:

  Et cetera \Et` cet"e*ra\, Et caetera \Et` c[ae]t"e*ra\ . [L. et
     and + caetera other things.]
     Others of the like kind; and the rest; and so on; -- used to
     point out that other things which could be mentioned are to
     be understood. Usually abbreviated into etc. or &c. (&c).


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On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 05:24:55PM -0600, Mike Miller wrote:
> "et see" is a shortened way of saying "et cetera" (which is two words).

"a shortened way". "Idiot" is a way of saying "Mike Miller", but I'm not
sure you would agree that it is correct.

> In the UNIX world that you seem to be just starting to learn about, we 
> have some weird spellings and shortened ways of saying things.

You're rather uninformed.

>								  Someday 
> you will learn about things like usr, tmp, TeX and LaTeX.  They might 
> cause you to pound on a dictionary in anger, but we don't care about the 
> dictionary and we have our own ways of saying things.

Perhaps you haven't noticed that, if anything, UNIX has many ways of doing
many things. This includes pronouncing things differently. When in question
I prefer the ones that make sense (mentally and phoneticly), just because 
there are a number of illiterate fools saying 'leenooks' or 'ooh nicks' 
doesn't mean others should follow.

tmp  = temp
vi   = vie (vee eye is equally correct)
vim  = vim (vee eye em as well, a funny way of saying vi improved)
GNU  = Gee En Yoo (because Guh Noo sounds stupid and confuses people, 
       regardless of the fact that it's not an acronym)
usr  = user
TeX  = the X is actually the Greek letter Chi, a 'k'-ish sound, rhymes with 
       "blecchhh". Not terribly easy to say in English.
cron = cron (rhymes with yawn)
ifconfig = eye eff config

It's pointless to argue about. People butcher the English language
daily with crap like 'r u there?', 'ur a dumbass', misuse of 'your' and 
'you're', too/to/two, etc. Squabbling over things which have no defined
pronunciations is truly competing in the Special Olympics.

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
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