On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Matthew S. Hallacy wrote:

>> Google is good...
>> http://www.google.com/search?q=unix+%22etc+pronounced%22
>> It's "et see".
> So you say 'et see tera' for etcetera?
> Everyone please go back to 2nd grade english, thanks.

"et see" is a shortened way of saying "et cetera" (which is two words).

In the UNIX world that you seem to be just starting to learn about, we 
have some weird spellings and shortened ways of saying things.  Someday 
you will learn about things like usr, tmp, TeX and LaTeX.  They might 
cause you to pound on a dictionary in anger, but we don't care about the 
dictionary and we have our own ways of saying things.
