On 2003-06-16 09:32:24 -0500 Wil <nota12b at mail.iglide.net> wrote:

> I have arranged for a place to have an installfest, but need some 
> feedback - quickly!
> Specifics: place is in Bloomington
> can 'hold' about 50 or so
> has T1 access

Great! Sounds good so far.

> The person I've arranged with is out-of-town on the 28th (when I had 
> hoped to do this), so asked if we could do this on a weekday. SO...
> ideas/thoughts on a Friday 1-6 (or 7)pm
> OR
> Thursday (same time frame)
> ????

Uhhh, I couldn't justify a day off for an installfest. Saturdays and 
Sundays (or some known holiday off-day).

> For whatever reason, she thought these are held during the week. I've 
> attend (most?) of the last 6 or more and they've always been a 
> Saturday affair... would one 'fly' as a during-the-week operation?
> I'd like to get back to her today, or tomorrow at the latest...
> Wil
> PS
> As an alternative - THIS Saturday (June 21st) if she's available? 
> REALLY short notice, but at least a chance for a Saturday if the 
> weekday-thing turns into 'unlikely'...
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