Wil wrote:
> I have arranged for a place to have an installfest, but need some 
> feedback - quickly! 
> Specifics: 
> place is in Bloomington
> can 'hold' about 50 or so
> has T1 access

should be fine; generally installfests (on weekends) attract around
50-100 folks throughout the course of the day.

> The person I've arranged with is out-of-town on the 28th (when I 
> had hoped to do this), so asked if we could do this on a weekday. 
> SO...
> ideas/thoughts on a Friday 1-6 (or 7)pm
> OR
> Thursday (same time frame)
> ????

you'll probably have fewer attendees on a weekday, although might be a
good opportunity to attract the business crowd over the lunch hour.  If
it ends up being on a week day, I'd suggest pushing the date out so it
could be better advertised.  generally weekends are best.

On a side note, I've been trying to schedule a place for an installfest.
At this point looks like mid July or later at best.

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