> When push comes to shove, however, I don't think we have a legal leg
> to stand on.  I don't recall if this has been tested in a court of
> law.  Given that this type of notice may not have been sent out in the
> original subscription confirmation, it may be necessary to fulfill the
> requests of the author in question.

i think we do, i think we have a couple of those legal legs.

yes the original author owns the copyright. So does Arthur C. Clark own
the copyright on the books he publishes. This does not mean that i cannot
store the book that i bought in my library for 50 years. And if i so chose
i could also have a small bon fire in the backyard and burn the book.
But ACC does NOT have the right or the option to ask me to do either of

second, postal code says that anything delivered to your mailbox is your
own. You may not have copyright ownership, but you have ownership of the
data. snailmail mailbox vs email inbox aside, IMHO this would hold up
rather well.

Munir Nassar

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