when you start up the Apple X11 app, configure X11 to allow client
connections by typing into the xterm window...

xhost +

use the correct IP of the red hat box though

as an aside, when i run java apps on my olde tyme linux box through X11
into my ibook, it's faster then running them entirely on the ibook. funny.


> You should be able to do the following:
> 1) ssh into your redhat box from your OSX box.
> 2) Assumming that you use the bash shell,
> 	type export DISPLAY=, replacing the IP address with the
> IP address of your OSX box.
> 3) At this point, if your OSX box is configured correctly and ready to
> accept X11 connections, you should be able to start an x program and it
> will send the X11 packets over to the host specified in your DISPLAY
> variable.
> -Erik

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