mjn wrote:
> Does anyone know if this is possible? I've got Apple's X11 app and we've
> got all of the X stuff installed on redhat but I don't really know how to
> start an app and export the display or even if it is possible to do to my
> OS X machine.
> Any ideas? Help is much appretiated.

You should be able to do the following:

1) ssh into your redhat box from your OSX box.
2) Assumming that you use the bash shell,
	type export DISPLAY=, replacing the IP address with the 
IP address of your OSX box.
3) At this point, if your OSX box is configured correctly and ready to 
accept X11 connections, you should be able to start an x program and it 
will send the X11 packets over to the host specified in your DISPLAY 


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