On Monday 21 April 2003 11:40, Steve Siegfried wrote:
> Note that Comcast, from what I can find out, does _not_ offer "Comcast
> High-Speed Internet Pro" in the MSP area.  It apparently comes with a
> static-ip address (and a $95/month fee for 3.5Mbps down/384Kbps up).  I
> can't find out if you're allowed to run servers at this level or not... so
> your mileage may vary... if you can get it.

I just called Comcast. They don't offer any packages here that include a 
static IP and the guy on the phone was very clear that they don't allow Web 
servers. Time to investigate DynDNS.


Tim Wilson
Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
Science teacher, Linux fan, Zope developer, Grad. student, Daddy
mailto:wilson at visi.com | http://qwerk.org/ | public key: 0x8C0F8813

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