"dare t" <daret at linuxmail.org>  wrote:
> http://freshmeat.net/articles/view/774/
> "The plethora of Free Software applications ... is a problem... In
> order to conquer the desktop, we have to stand united. "

This is not the best quote of the article, nor was most of his article
needed.  The following paragraph is all that you really need to know:

	Please stop developing and using some obscure
	application when there are better alternatives. Not
	happy with them? Fix what's wrong, or if everything
	looks wrong, work at separating the functionality
	into a UI-independent library, then develop your own
	graphical interface.  Reusing and improving existing
	code, not making your own, is the way.  Drop the
	"not made here" syndrome and your 15 minutes of fame
	on freshmeat when making the announcement, and unite
	with the rest of the community.  Starting a new
	project is a good way to learn to develop software,
	but you can also learn by doing bugfixing, unit
	testing, and development of new features and
	optimizations of existing applications.  Sourceforge
	should start removing projects with less than 1%
	activity for the last six months (every week, they
	could propose several projects to be removed, and
	allow a month for the activity to increase). 

His directive to the newbie programmer acolyte is to add by augmenting
and improving that which is there, not to reinvent the wheel yet again.
I disagree with how he structured this article, but the message is

Yes, I agree.  He is right.  I hope he's leading by example.

Chad Walstrom <chewie at wookimus.net>           http://www.wookimus.net/
           assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */

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