Lucent Silver (orinoco) worked out of the box with a un-updated RH7.3 


On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 rpgoldman at wrote:

> Can anyone suggest what would be the best WAP + wireless PCI cards for
> me to buy for a linux system?  More specifically for a network of about
> 5 boxen, mostly linux but with one or two windowses [we hates it, my
> precious].
> Specifically, where "best" == "most likely to just work without me
> having to spend hours figuring stuff out and editing config files."
> Preferably this would include encryption being enabled from the
> get-go, rather than requiring a lot of pain to set up.
> Actually, if the answer to the above is "there isn't any," that would
> be useful info, too!
> I'm just reconstructing my home office after a move and trying to
> assess whether pulling wire (ugh --- lath and plaster walls) or buying
> some stuff will get me to fully functioning fastest.
> I know there are HOWTOs out the wazoo on wireless, but most of them
> don't really help distinguish between "this will work easily" and
> "this will work, but by the end you'll be drinking vodka and percodan
> like spring water."
> Thanks!
> R
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