On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 07:05:24AM -0500, Jim Crumley wrote:
>On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 02:57:06PM -0500, Brian wrote:
>> Is there a formal launch date for 1.0?  I'd say it's about the right time
>> to start planning a Mozilla launch party, but until a date is announced
>> there's not a whole lot to do about it.

Doesn't anyone find it odd that you're actually planning a software release
party for a: something you don't actively contribute to and b: as
insignifigant as the 1.0 release of mozilla?

I mean mozilla is great and all but it's not party worty. It's just a
damned browser for pete's sake. Not to mention that but it's not likely to
be much different from rc2.

>Yes, there's a date - June 12 - well at least a date for the
>parties ;) (see the slashdot article [1]).

Ben Lutgens				 | http://people.sistina.com/~blutgens/	
System Administrator	 | http://www.sistina.com/
Sistina Software Inc. | 

"I got a wife and kids too but you don't see me out here stealing Imperial
Droids now do ya?"
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