On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 11:42:41AM -0500, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
> I myself use 2 or 3 different web browsers regularly and simultaneously;
> because each one sucks less at certain things. :)
> Galeon -- it's Mozilla, wrapped in GTK rather than mozilla's bloated
> interface. also has a *lot* of really nice UI features. 

I also use Galeon for all of my daily browsing.  It works great!  I took
the time to get flash and Java working.  It's well worth the time.  I
also noticed in the latest Debian unstable update, that the Acrobat
plugin now works too. :)  

> Netscape -- java stuff, shockwave/flash. (yes, I know you can get Mozilla to
> do most of that stuff; but I haven't spent the time to figure out how.)

I only use Netscape when I'm working with Zope.  For some reason with
Galeon, the right frame always goes to the view tab.  If I could get
Galeon to render Zope correctly, I wouldn't have to use Netscape at all.

> lynx -- when I don't want to be bothered with a GUI. :) sometimes offers
> more helpful error messages, too.

For text based stuff I use w3m.  It's far better than Lynx.  It renders
tables and frames.  It supports xterm mouse events.  Forms aren't as
easy to deal with as in Lynx, but everything else feels better.
