I think version 4 of the ORA DNS&BIND book covers 9.x, 
so if you have the most recent copy the book should be 

Once concern may be if the machine has a smaller amount of 
memory and you want to provide DNS (and reverse DNS) for 
more than one domain. 8.x has one process running (IIRC) 
most of the time, but 9.x has one for each domain (plus 
one???). I hope there is some discussion of this in DNS&BIND
v4...let me know (if that is the version of the book you have).

Good luck,


>>> tl at assimilated.org 10/04/01 06:14PM >>>
>>>>> "Brian" == Brian  <lxy at cloudnet.com> writes:

    Brian> I'm setting up my first DNS server this weekend.  I'm
    Brian> properly armed with the DNS-HOWTO and the O'Reilly DNS and
    Brian> BIND book.  Simple question before I start, what version of
    Brian> BIND should I use?  Older versions of course are exploits
    Brian> waiting to happen, and I've heard bad things about the
    Brian> bleeding edge stuff.  Any suggestions?  Yes, I missed the
    Brian> presentation on DNS, I wish I hadn't.

8.2.3 has served me well since 20 minutes after it was released. 9.x
is purely nonsense. Additionally, your Oreilly book is most likely
geared towards 8.x, or god forbid, 4.9.x.