> Okay, installed all the fonts (note to self:  Besure to install ALL
> fonts from now on...) and it works like a charm.  So, now is there a
> limit to the number of virtual terminals I can use?  Meaning the :0  can
> be unlimited in range, not just stuck to 0-9 or so?

Well, there's no limit as far as the number is concerned, but eventually
you'll eventually consume so many of the sun box's resources as to make it
unusable.  How many do you need to open to it?  Unless you've got a pretty
beefy Sun (like an Ultra 60 or 80), I'd try to limit yourself to 10. 

Gabe Turner				       |  	   X-President,
SGI Origin Systems Administrator,	       | Assoc. for Computing Machinery
U of M Supercomputing Institute for	       |    University of Minnesohta
Digital Simulation and Advanced Computation    |       dopp at acm.cs.umn.edu

"My collection of rare, eencurebale diseases!  Violated!"
						- Ren Hoek in "Sven Hoek"